Thursday, September 4, 2008

They Poked My Baby!!!!!

The more doctor's appointments I go to, the more convinced I become that the health care industry is the right hand of the Devil.  And this doesn't have anything to do with politics today!  My poor baby boy, already battling a cold, was stuck with not one, not two, but FOUR gigantic needles yesterday.  He screeched and yelled for an hour straight, and I don't blame him.  His face killed me:  He looked at me as if to say "MoOOOM! How could you let them?". What's more, these evil pinpricks caused him to have a fever and feel like poo-poo (a word I am finding myself using a lot these days).  Yes, they will protect him against the evils of diseases like Pertussis and Diptheria.  But for now, my baby is sick.  He is sitting in his swing (which holds him upright so he doesn't choke on his drippage), laughing at me with a deep, throaty, hoarse voice, that is breaking my heart.  What they say is right:  the pokes are a LOT harder on Mom then they are on the baby. 


Wise Lady said...

good rant liz!

Blair said...

Doctors are insane. like, I think after all that schooling they become completely desensitized from common courtesy.

Cameron said...

liz, I like the blog! adding this to my daily Internet routine.