Monday, June 1, 2009

Glass Houses and Baby Killers

Today liberal women across the globe mourn the loss of Dr. George Tiller, a man of great integrity who stood up for his convictions and never faltered, even in the face of death. Dr. Tiller was gunned down by an anti-abortion extremist yesterday morning, May 31, 2009, while serving as an usher at the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, KS. (Note the use of "anti-abortion" rather than "pro-life," as I do not believe in giving Tiller's killer the distinction of "pro-life).

This was not the first time Dr. Tiller had faced death in his profession. As a young flight surgeon for the U.S. Navy, George Tiller tragically lost his entire immediate family in a plane accident in 1970. Returning home to Wichita to take over his father's practice, Dr. Tiller continued his father's dedication to providing safe and legal abortions in order to prevent further loss of life from illegal abortions. Long the target of anti-abortion extremist groups, Dr. Tiller was first shot in both arms in 1993.

What I find incredible is that Dr. Tiller continued his services post-shooting. For a man to care so deeply for this cause is amazing. For those of you who don't know my family well, my mother is a first-generation N.O.W. member, the first woman in her family to not only go to college, but enter one of the nation's most prestigious architectural programs and become a certified CPA. She grew up in a time when the world was changing rapidly, not only for women, but for all of society. Mom has recounted many times for me the day when Roe vs. Wade was handed down. The leader of her N.O.W. chapter addressed the gathered women: "Alright ladies. We've made it legal. Now, let's make it unecessary."

That statement has followed me through my work with N.O.W., Planned Parenthood, the Denver Children's Coalition, and the Denver Women's Commission. Never in all of my experience with liberal women have I come across anyone who "hates babies". As a matter of fact, our coalition meetings with PP and NOW were frequented by newborns and toddlers. The pro-choice movement has never been about taking the life of a fetus. It is about giving women in this country room to spread their wings in a man's world. Let's face it, the glass ceiling might be a little higher, but it is still there. Pregnancy, planned or unplanned, is something that will forever affect a woman's life, career, and mental health. As a mother, I understand this well. I will believe until my dying day that the women in this country are equipped with the intelligence and integrity necessary to make that decision for themselves. As a Christian, I believe a woman who chooses to abort a pregnancy will answer to a much higher authority than the state or federal government.

And while I respect the beliefs of those who believe life begins at implantation, I must disagree. A woman gives life to a fetus, and without the full mental, physical, and emotional comittment of that woman, the fetus doesn't exist. To choose adoption is a noble and admirable thing. Should pregnant women be given all of the information possible regarding their options? Absolutely. Recently, I catered a lunch for a group called "Real Options for Women". I was excited to hear the speaker and support a group that devotes itself to provided alternative options for pregnant women. Sadly, I learned that this group's MO is not in fact to provide information and a safe haven for pregnant women. The speaker spent much time lamenting that "nothing good can come from the earthly flesh" and basically that the pro-choice camp will rot in hell. All of the young girls present were asked to stand up to represent their mothers' choice not to abort them. Okay, guess what? Choosing not to have an abortion doesn't make you a hero. Choosing to have an abortion doesn't damn you to hell. The Lockian in me resists this idea that human beings are inherently evil.

But, I digress from Dr. Tillman. I think reiterating the old adage about glass houses would be somewhat redundant and insulting here. However, I can't help but be struck with the image of anti-abortionists trapped behind a glass wall, angry fists raised and poised with stones. Need I remind my friends that Dr. Tillman survived Bill O'Reilly's recent crucifixion for allegedly providing late term abortions? Shortly before his death, Dr. Tillman was aqcuited on 19 charges of violating Kansas's viable fetus policy stemming from O'Reilly's on-air acusations. In actuality, Dr. Tillman has been cleared of any ethical wrongdoing several times during his lengthy career. His death signals the loss of an option for countless women across the nation. Here's to you, George Tillman, for providing real options for women.

Footnote: I'm sure many of my more emotional friends will respond to this posting with accounts of fetuses found in toilet bowls, etc. I ask only this: Please check your sources before posting crap on my blog. You Tube is not a viable source, pun intended.

Special Note to Mr. Brown: This blog was intended as an emotional and moral response to the abortion debate. I could go on for days about the constitutionality of abortion, Roe vs. Wade and the implied rights to privacy. Yes, I took con law too. Yes, I am aware you are a legal eagle.


Blair said...

I don't think ANYONE no matter what their viewpoint, deserves to die at the hand of another person. There is a justice system for a reason, because when people mix up emotions and justice, we have a free-for-all.

The fact that he was killed is the most tragic part of all of this. I hope that his family feels comfort in knowing that he never faltered in his viewpoints.

Blair said...

Side note, it was lovely seeing you the other day! Glad you could bring over that cute Trevor and that cute Malcolm and swim!