Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead....Enough Already!

As I sat in a room full of female Democrats last week, all of us trading Sarah Palin insults in between voter calls, I couldn't help but wonder:  What is it about this woman that pisses us off so much?  While Sarah Palin seems to ignite the adoration of her conservative Republican fan base, something about her leaves us old school feminists with a bad taste in our mouths.  I could probably write three or four entries on the subject of Sarah Palin and how she makes me want to burn my bras, but that is not the subject of today's blog.  What I want to say is this:  ENOUGH with the Wicked Witch of the West.  Us Dem's are falling for this dirty game called "Let's Distract the Voters from the Issue at Hand" the Republican party has proven so adept at in recent years.  First, it was Terrorist Fist Jabs and Barack's (gasp!) flagless lapel.  Now, the GOP has decided to distract voters from their lackluster candidate by nominating a shockingly inappropriate woman for vice president.  Three words:  GET OVER IT.  Sarah Palin doesn't deserve the ridiculous amount of press she has been afforded in recent months.  In a brilliant stroke of campaign genius, the McCain camp has just picked up priceless free press in a campaign restricted by public finance law.  If we devote any more attention to Sarah Palin, the GOP has already won.  We all know Barack Obama and his campaign will not attack Palin in the way that she and her antics so deserve.  So why, then, are his biggest fans devoting all of their waking energy to this woman?  We get it, she's the anti-thesis of our beliefs.  But ultimately, she is not running for president of the free world.  Sure, there is a good chance John McCain could die during his hypothetical tenure.  But what if he doesn't?  The Republican Party has been re-energized in a lethargic campaign by the thought of Palin's possible ascendency.  Let's seize this golden opportunity to grab independents with the obvious:  Are you voting for John McCain or are you voting for Sarah Palin?  One thing is certain:  A vote for the McCain/Palin ticket is wrought with uncertainty about how the next four years will play out.  The Dems need to focus on attacking the candidate at hand rather than his next-in-line.  C'mon, Democrats- If we can be this mean about Sarah Palin, surely we can find it in our hearts to attack John McCain?  


Blair said...

I think it's so hard (as a member of the media, I feel like I can say this) to avoid her hilarity. Like, when it's so obvious they hadn't vetted her at all. Funny.

However, what worries me most of all is the debates. I mean, here was have the Kennedy debate all over again. We will have an old, ailing man versus a a very attractive young man. But, then in the VP debates, we have a very old man versus a very attractive young woman. Craziness.

I agree with you that giving Palin attention is like free press. However, the media goes ga-ga over Obama so much that you would assume we can call it even now.

What annoys me most of all that she has a special needs child who is still sucking from her breast and is trying to run for VP. I think that puts a lot of pressure on her husband. I mean, 5 kids (one with special needs) and he already has a job that requires him to travel? I mean, everyone is saying "Let her decide, what's wrong with him staying home?" But, it wouldn't be him staying home. It would be her oldest child raising the child (like so often happens with two income families). Not the mention the grandkid on the way! I would think the daughter will need help on how to raise a child since she's a child herself!

Liz Mulroney said...

Oh, I could pass moral judgement on Sarah Palin all day long! But what I really disagree with is the old man thing- Joe Biden is DEAD sexy! As a matter of fact, I'm adding him to my freebie list. Just kidding. But he is very attractive for his years.

Brown said...

Please tell me how she's "shockingly inappropriate." Is it because she's not part of the D.C. establishment or because you don't agree with her positions?

If it's because she's not part of the D.C. establishment, then we have a fundamental misunderstanding of the intent of the Framers when they established the Republic. It was never intended that we should have career politicans (although this has become the norm). Rather, the intent was to have "citizen representatives" who would come to the federal district for a short time to serve and then return to their communities. In this respect, Gov. Palin is perfect for the job. Additionally, look into the unique issues affecting Alaska before you decry Gov. Palin as inexperienced.

If you are saying that she is "shockingly inappropraite" just because you disagree with her positions, then just be honest about that.

On the subject of distracting techniques, the "terrorist fist-jab" and flagless lapel debates (in addition to "he's a Muslim") were never promoted by the McCain campaign. Rather, these came from independent bloggers. Having worked within both the campaign and policy arenas, the prevailing view is that these kinds of attacks are counter-productive, especially since we have so much fodder with Obama's irresponsible big-goverment policies (i.e. increasing the cost of doing business in the U.S. while expecting to create more domestic jobs).

Love the blog :-)